Travis Martell: Sharing the Secrets to Sports Excellence through Hockey Drills and Discipline with SportsShare

When it comes to hockey, many aspiring players dream of reaching the top, but few understand the level of commitment it takes to achieve sports excellence. Travis Martell, a former professional hockey player and now a sports expert, has made it his mission to help young athletes reach their full potential. As a SportsShare educator, Martell brings a wealth of experience from his 9-year pro career and his deep understanding of strength and conditioning, offering insights that go beyond just skating and shooting.

Travis Martell: Sharing the Secrets to Sports Excellence through Hockey Drills and Discipline with SportsShare

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“Arcu cursus vitae congue mauris mattis enim ut tellus elementum sagittis vitae et leo nullam ac tortor”
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When it comes to hockey, many aspiring players dream of reaching the top, but few understand the level of commitment it takes to achieve sports excellence. Travis Martell, a former professional hockey player and now a sports expert, has made it his mission to help young athletes reach their full potential. As a SportsShare educator, Martell brings a wealth of experience from his 9-year pro career and his deep understanding of strength and conditioning, offering insights that go beyond just skating and shooting.

From West Kelowna to the World Stage

Travis Martell's journey began in his hometown of West Kelowna, where he played hockey throughout his childhood. His love for the game took him all the way to university, where he earned a degree in Exercise Science. After that, Martell embarked on a 9-year professional hockey career in Germany, where he sharpened his skills and developed a unique understanding of what it takes to be elite.

“I always look back to myself as an athlete and think, ‘If I knew an eighth of what I know now, how much better would I have been at hockey,’” Martell reflects. This realization fuels his passion as a coach, and his goal is clear: to share everything he’s learned with the next generation of athletes so they don’t look back with similar regrets.

Building the Foundation with Hockey Drills

Hockey drills are a cornerstone of Martell’s training philosophy. As a sports expert, he understands the critical role drills play in building not just physical skills, but also the mental toughness needed to achieve sports excellence.

Growing up, Martell admits he didn’t prioritize training during the off-season—a mistake that became evident when he saw other players who did and watched them soar ahead in their careers. It was a turning point at age 20 when he realized that off-season effort was the key to success. “I started putting that same effort in, and then I started having success,” he says.

Now, as the founder of Martell Elite Fitness, Martell uses this experience to shape the hockey drills he designs for young players. Whether it's skating drills to boost agility or strength training to improve endurance, his approach is holistic, focusing on showing up every day and striving to be the best. “You get more out of what you're doing by how well you do it, not by how much you're doing,” Martell says, quoting the great Mike Tyson.

The Power of Discipline

Discipline is another key component of Martell’s coaching philosophy. It’s easy to train when you’re motivated, but the true test of an athlete is their ability to push through even when they don’t feel like it. “Discipline is doing what you hate to do, but doing it like you love it,” Martell says, borrowing another piece of wisdom from Tyson.

For young hockey players, this mindset can be a game-changer. By incorporating disciplined hockey drills into their training—regardless of how they feel on any given day—they’re setting themselves up for long-term success.

Sharing the Knowledge

As part of his work with SportsShare, Martell shares educational training videos that provide athletes with an edge in their development. His content is focused on delivering relevant, impactful information that helps young hockey players refine their training and reach the next level.

“The field of strength and conditioning is constantly evolving,” Martell notes. “Staying on top of new research has allowed me to continue to evolve as a strength and conditioning coach, which has had a positive contribution to my professional development.”

Through these videos, Martell hopes to offer young athletes the opportunity to learn from his own experiences, from both the mistakes and the successes. His goal is to help them avoid the pitfalls he faced and to give them the tools they need to excel in the sport that has given him so much.

Leaving a Legacy

For Travis Martell, hockey is more than just a sport; it’s a platform for personal growth and opportunity. “Hockey has been great to me and has opened many doors during my life,” he says. Now, as a sports expert, he’s paying it forward, helping young athletes build the foundation they need for success—both on and off the ice.

Martell’s story serves as a reminder that sports excellence isn’t just about talent. It’s about discipline, smart training, and the ability to learn from those who’ve walked the path before you. 

Through his work on SportsShare and his brand, Martell Elite Fitness, he’s helping the next generation of hockey players achieve their dreams, one drill at a time.

So, whether you're a young player looking to make your mark or a coach seeking to inspire, remember the words of Travis Martell: show up every day, strive to be elite, and never stop learning. Because the path to sports excellence is built on the effort you put in today—both on the ice and in the gym.

Join SportsShare today to have access to premium sports educators like Travis Martell and others, sharing content weekly , and helping you achieve sports excellence. 

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Ty Summach

About the author

Ty Summach is a versatile executive who is supporting the growth of SportsShare and contributing to various innovation hubs with extensive leadership experience.