A Journey of Resilience: How Dr Jennifer Fraser Went From Athlete to Advocate

Dr. Jennifer Fraser's journey began with a passion for soccer and baseball, two sports that defined much of her childhood. However, at the age of 10, a diagnosis of Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis marked a significant turning point. The arthritis specifically targeted her wrists and hands, prompting a shift in her athletic pursuits to activities that minimized strain on her hands. New passions were discovered in running, cross-country skiing, high-impact aerobics, and hiking.

A Journey of Resilience: How Dr Jennifer Fraser Went From Athlete to Advocate

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Vestibulum lorem sed risus ultricies. Magna sit amet purus gravida quis blandit. Arcu cursus vitae congue mauris. Nunc mattis enim ut tellus elementum sagittis vitae et leo. Semper risus in hendrerit gravida rutrum quisque non.

Vitae congue mauris mattis enim ut tellus elementum sagittis vitae et leo.

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“Arcu cursus vitae congue mauris mattis enim ut tellus elementum sagittis vitae et leo nullam ac tortor”
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A Personal History in Sports

Dr. Jennifer Fraser's journey began with a passion for soccer and baseball, two sports that defined much of her childhood. However, at the age of 10, a diagnosis of Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis marked a significant turning point. The arthritis specifically targeted her wrists and hands, prompting a shift in her athletic pursuits to activities that minimized strain on her hands. New passions were discovered in running, cross-country skiing, high-impact aerobics, and hiking.

Inspiration to Give Back

Dr. Jennifer Fraser's transition from athlete to advocate was driven by a profound realization during her career in education. Multiple athletes revealed they were being abused by a small group of coaches who were also certified teachers. This firsthand experience unveiled the flaws and failures within the system for handling abuse in sports. Motivated by her academic background in comparative literature and a PhD from the University of Toronto, she delved deep into the consequences of unchecked abuse in sports and explored ways to drive change. Over a decade of research solidified her belief that education for sport administrators, coaches, athletes, and parents about the brain science behind abusive conduct—why it occurs and how to address it—is essential. Her mission is to halt abuse, address it effectively, shift from a moral to a medical model, rehabilitate those using bullying practices, protect victims, and create a healthy, high-performance sport culture.

The Bullied Brain: A New Paradigm

Dr. Jennifer Fraser's company, "Bullied Brain," symbolizes the insidious form of bullying that targets our brains through neglect and ignorance. Despite 20 years of neuroscientific research, society remains largely uninformed about the significant impact this knowledge can have on health, safety, and performance. This inspired her 2022 book, "The Bullied Brain: Heal Your Scars and Restore Your Health," as well as her ongoing series for Psychology Today. She also has a forthcoming book in 2025, "Shattered Brains: The Impact of Gaslighting on our Minds & Proven Ways to Stay Safe & Sane."

Unique Value to the Sports Community

Dr. Jennifer Fraser believes that sport administrators, coaches, and athletes are uniquely positioned to implement brain-training and lead a scientific revolution in sports. The outdated model that ignored brain health, exemplified by Tom Brady's initial draft position, is being replaced by a new "neuro paradigm." Brady, drafted 199th, was initially overlooked because traditional assessments ignored his exceptional brain capabilities. His success, driven by advanced brain training under neuroscientist Dr. Michael Merzenich, demonstrates the power of integrating brain science into sports. Dr. Merzenich has praised her book, calling it "THE most completely scientifically thorough treatment of the subject on planet earth," signaling that the sports world is ready for change.

Content for a Healthier Sports Community

Dr. Jennifer Fraser's current channel offers a comprehensive course for sport administrators, coaches, parents, and athletes based on the Bullied Brain model. Through text and video, the course reveals the physical damage bullying and abuse cause to brain architecture, visible on brain scans. While this is the tough part, it serves as a powerful motivator. The course also focuses on evidence-based methods to repair this damage and restore brain health, supported by a workbook for practical application. For those seeking deeper understanding, the course aligns with her book, "The Bullied Brain: Heal Your Scars and Restore Your Health." She is also developing a course on Adolescent Brain Development, aiming to help stakeholders understand and work with the intense changes occurring in youth brains from ages 13 to 24.

Impact and Future Plans

Dr. Jennifer Fraser aims for her content to dispel the myth that abuse is necessary for greatness. Athletes like Tom Brady and Harry Kane, who utilize Dr. Merzenich's brain-training model, exemplify that greatness stems from training both the body and brain in a safe environment. Her content emphasizes that abuse damages brains and inhibits potential, whereas a safe brain can achieve extraordinary feats.

Her journey as a content creator and SportsShare Educator is deeply fulfilling, knowing that the brain science she shares can save lives and improve mental health. Witnessing the harmful outcomes of athlete abuse first hand has fueled her advocacy for change. Her work, which has reached international audiences and contributed to significant reports like Canada's Safe Sport report, aims to set a scientific revolution in motion. Sport administrators, coaches, and athletes will greatly benefit from understanding what makes brains flourish and what hinders them.

A Memorable Moment in Sports

One of Dr. Jennifer Fraser's most impactful moments in sports involves her teenage son, an exceptional athlete whose coaches predicted a bright future in college basketball. After his teammates reported abusive coaching practices, he revealed that his only goal was "not to let them break me." This moment crystallized her resolve to address the pervasive issue of abuse in sports and advocate for a system that nurtures rather than harms athletes.

Philosophy in Sports Education

"Hurt brains hurt." This simple yet profound statement by Dr. Jennifer Fraser underscores the need to prioritize brain health in sports. When brains are safe from bullying and abuse, they can achieve remarkable potential. Coaches, who significantly influence adolescents, must be educated about brain development to create a supportive and high-performing sports environment. With extensive research backing this approach, it's time for a change that benefits athletes and society as a whole.

We’re thrilled to welcome Jennifer to the SportsShare community where she is sharing exclusive insights about her new book "The Bullied Brain: Heal Your Scars and Restore Your Health." Go now to check out Jennifer's exclusive channel and gain an important understanding about this breakthrough research. 

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Ty Summach

About the author

Ty Summach is a versatile executive who is supporting the growth of SportsShare and contributing to various innovation hubs with extensive leadership experience.